However, certain face covering requirements still apply to real estate firms and sellers may impose their own requirements for those visiting a property. As always, brokers should be respectful of others and continue to follow recommended health guidelines.
Brokers and their clients must adhere to any requirements or restrictions imposed by the seller of a property, including required appointments, mandatory face coverings, capacity limitations, or other instructions. Listing brokers should detail any requirements in the listing and post signs at the property regarding any specific instructions (e.g. face covering required to enter).
Real estate firms may open their offices at 100% capacity, provided that firms comply with certain protocols from the Department of Labor and Industries, including the following face covering requirements:
Consumers visiting a real estate office:
For brokers and employees in a real estate office:
Governor Inslee’s recent announcement is available here. The latest information about the Washington State coronavirus response is available here.
Washington REALTORS® has provided FAQ guidance here.
Please review the downloadable PDF for clarification on which activities are permitted and the protocols required for permitted activities.
If you have questions on this, or any other real estate legal question, email The Legal Hotline is a Washington REALTOR® member-only benefit.