NOV. 23 @ 9AM-10:30AM
"What's New & Exciting, What's Old & Done, and What's On the Horizon"
You've purchased your Supra lockbox, now get to know it better! Come and learn tips and tricks of the Supra Lockbox System from Supra Account Manager Kory Soo Epperson! Kory will cover features available now and what is coming in the near future. Subjects to be covered include:
- eKEY App
- eKEY Professional
- BTLE iBox features and tips
- Supra Home Tour App
- SupraWEB
- Where to go for help
Join the meeting on Nov. 23 @ 9AM here:
Meeting ID: 503 779 4629
Passcode: suprazoom
We recommend copying/pasting this link into your calendar for easier access on the day of the webinar