MAR. 11 @ 12PM-1:30PM
TCAR Membership Meeting
2021 Regional Economic Forecast
Want the 4-1-1 on what's to come? Then don’t miss this membership meeting! We will be joined by a panel of economic development leaders from Kennewick, Richland, Pasco and West Richland who will be ready to share their insights into regional project plans for 2021!
Our panel of guest speakers include:
- Eric Mendenhall - Community Development Manager for West Richland
- Mandy Wallner - Marketing Specialist of Economic Development for Richland
- Rohana Carmichael - Economic Development Marketing Specialist for Kennewick
- Rick White - Community & Economic Development Director for Pasco
- Mike Alvarez - Guest Moderator
PLUS! There will be plenty of time for Q&As, so jot those questions down and join us!
Register for the meeting here: