
REALTOR® Trademark

The MARKS: REALTOR®; REALTORS®; REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®; and, the REALTOR® Logo The National Association is the proud owner of numerous marks including but not limited to the terms REALTOR®, REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, REALTORS®, the REALTOR® Logo and the Block "R" mark (which may be referred to collectively as the "MARKS"). The Marks are collective membership marks which serve to identify Members of the National Association and distinguish them from non-members*. Since 1916, when the unique term REALTOR® was first "coined" or "invented", the public has come to recognize those who use the MARKS as Members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and, as such, providers of real estate related services consistent with a strict Code of Ethics and the highest standards of professionalism. Member Boards**, through their use of the MARKS, are recognized as Member organizations. Members are licensed by the National Association to use one or more of the MARKS in connection with or in reference to themselves and their real estate businesses. Member Boards are licensed to use the term REALTORS® as part of their name, or in the title of their publication, and to use the REALTOR® Logo in connection with their name. Member Boards may also be licensed to use the Block "R" mark in connection with a Member Board logo. For more information on proper usage of the REALTOR® trademark, please click here.

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The Tri-City Association of REALTORS® is a professional trade organization whose members are licensed real estate brokers located primarily in the greater Tri-City area including:

West Richland
& Beyond
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