The Department of Licensing (DOL) is changing their method for notifying customers when they’re eligible to renew their license.
- The renewal reminder DOL sends will no longer include a form to fill out and mail back.
- The new reminder directs customers to DOL’s new online system to see the amount owed and complete their renewal.
- Renewing online is the quickest way for customers to get their license renewed.
Your renewal reminder will be sent through U.S. mail if DOL does not have a current email address on file.
Email allows DOL to send you multiple renewal reminders.
- Renewing online is the quickest way for customers to get their license renewed.
- You have the ability to print your license from your personal computer.
- Renewing online offers more electronic services to DOL customers with more options to pay.
Customers will be sent a reminder that it’s time to renew. Your renewal reminder will include the date and links to renew online. You will need to log into your online account at www.dol.wa.gov to complete and pay for your renewal.
- Your new renewal notice is for your records only and will not need to be returned to the DOL office. After you renew, most professions will be able to self-print your license and receipt for your records.
- Multiple payment options are available.
- Please make sure to update your contact information when you renew online.
Customers without an email address on file will receive a mailed letter 60 days from license expiration.
Email renewal notices will be sent 60, 30, and 7 days out from expiration date.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the program at 360-664-6500.
Gov. Jay Inslee announced all regions may progress to Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington reopening plan.
For the purposes of real estate, this means that the following activities are allowed:
For in-person open houses in Phase 2, brokers must ensure that no more than ten (10) people are on site, including the broker, and that all other required protocols are followed (face coverings, social distancing, sanitation, etc.)
As a reminder, all other in-person activities such as previews or showings must be by appointment, and a total of no more than five (5) people, in addition to the broker, are permitted at the property at any one time, and those people adhere to strict social distancing guidelines.
For in-person open houses, firms should develop processes that brokers follow to ensure compliance, including the following:
- Post signs at the property (e.g. on the open house signs, at the front door, inside the property, etc.) alerting the public to the occupancy restriction and reminding the public to wear face coverings and social distance.
- Brokers need to carefully monitor the number of persons on site at any one time and not admit more than the allowed number of persons into the property.
- Brokers need to constantly monitor the front door and potentially lock the door from time to time to prohibit additional persons from entering.
- Firms may consider assigning two brokers to an open house – one to stand outside and monitor the number of persons admitted to the property, and the other to be inside the property.
- Brokers must enforce the face covering requirement.
- Persons waiting to enter the property must social distance and wear face coverings.
- Clean and disinfect all surfaces, before and after the open house, and have sanitizer placed around the property.
- Because contact tracing in the event of an outbreak is important, brokers should maintain a sign-in sheet that includes contact information for all attending an open house.
Please keep in mind that the firm and broker hosting an open house are at risk of criminal and civil liability for failure to fully comply with the required protocols.
Please reference the Washington REALTORS® COVID-19 Real Estate FAQ Guidance for more information on protocols and requirements.
Tri-City Association of Realtors®
7151 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick, WA 99336
Tel: 1-509-783-2184 Fax:1-509-735-2572
Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri, 8am – 5pm
© 2019 Tri-City Association of Realtors®